by Romain | Jul 20, 2018 | Non classé
Overcoming phobias with sophrology Sophrology is one of the most popular solutions to help relieve anxiety and to overcome phobias. It is often confused with meditation as the relaxation techniques can be similar, yet the two techniques have very different objectives....
by Romain | May 25, 2018 | Non classé
The drug route In France, anxiety disorders are very frequently found in the general population. One third to one quarter of adults take anxiolytics (drugs used against anxiety). It is very easy to obtain them without a medical prescription. This is why they are the...
by Romain | May 25, 2018 | Non classé
Psychoanalysis, a solution to treat your phobias and fears Phobias, these often irrational fears that can lead to anxiety attacks, pain or discomfort, affect one in 10 French people. An alarming figure, especially when we know that phobias can constitute a real...